Develop your own shots in the College’s dark room, compose original music with your classmates on an ipad, blow a bassoon in the orchestra, run up and down the fret of a bass guitar in concert band, or sing the latest pop hit at a twilight concert: the Creative Arts faculty will allow the journey of your imagination and skills to take wings.
Be part of the College’s ongoing success in the academic Creative Arts field, with regular representation in the best of the state exemplar choices for the HSC. Taste the arts, and experience co-curricular activities such as the College musical, involving two hundred and fifty dedicated and talented students and staff, arts competitions and musical performances for community benefits, special occasions and religious events.
Perform and paint, sing and participate, and you can also learn beyond the classroom. Take up an instrument and come out of class or before school to learn piano, drums, guitar, trumpet, flute, saxophone, singing, violin or tell us what you’d like to learn. Join a choir, start a rock band, sing with a range of music lovers, join the art club and colour the world around you. Take your masterpiece of sculpture from the pottery kiln, then travel down to Arthur Boyd’s Bundanon for further inspiration on an art camp. Or hit the city and ferry across to the Sydney Biennale, after taking in a concert or play at the Opera House, then jump on a plane for the Hungry for the Arts Tour to New York.
The Creative Arts is ready, primed and welcoming. Get your wings on.