Our College


Our community is blessed by the generous service
of our Board of Directors.

Our College

Board of Directors

Our community is blessed by the generous service of our Board of Directors, who provide their time and expertise to support the good governance and leadership of the College.

As a company (limited by guarantee) our Board of Directors carry a significant responsibility in the following areas:

  • assuring the Catholic culture of the College
  • nourishing the connection between the College and the traditions of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan
  • governing the financial affairs of the College
  • providing vision and direction for the plant and facilities of the College
  • selecting and appointing the College Principal / CEO
  • reporting to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission as per regulations

We offer our thanks to the following community leaders:

Renata Garnero - Chair of the Board

Kristen Green - Deputy Chair of the Board

Daniel Pretzler - Company Secretary

Renee Campbell

Evelina Giusti

Beth Riolo

Dr Paul Kidson

Board Values

The work of our Board of Directors is framed by these eight values.







