
Tuition Fees


Invest in your daughter's future

Thank you for considering a St Mary’s education for your daughter. For most families, investing in an independent school education requires careful financial planning. St Mary’s reputation for academic excellence and outstanding pastoral care provide great value in the distinctive ways in which we cater specifically for girls and prepare them for the future.

Fee Structure

2024Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11Year 12
Tuition Fee (per student)    $7,248.00$7,248.00$7,119.00$7,119.00$9,177.00$9,177.00
Resources (per student)*$1,122.00$687.00$675.00$807.00$534.00$666.00
Technology Levy (per student)$426.00$426.00$426.00$426.00$426.00$426.00
Capital Levy (per family)        $1,134.00$1,134.00$1,134.00$1,134.00$1,134.00$1,134.00
P&F Levy (per family)     $140.00$140.00$140.00$140.00$140.00$140.00

Resources: Compulsory activities such as excursions, inschool activities, camps and retreats etc.
*Elective/Subject Fee: Course Subjects may have additional costs for materials.

Enrolment Application Fee - $100

This fee is non-refundable

Enrolment Acceptance Fee - $500

This fee applies to all Years 7 - 11 students commencing enrolment at any time throughout the year. This is paid when accepting the offer of enrolment. This amount is nonrefundable and will be deducted from school fees.

Payment of Fees

An Annual Invoice Statement will be issued in Term 1, followed by term/monthly invoice/statements. Other charges for activities such as Sport, Elective/Course Subject fees, Music, IT costs, Outstanding Library Books etc are NOT included in this schedule and may be added your account.

Our fees are due and payable within 30 days and these may be paid by Bpay, Direct Debit, Credit Card, Eftpos, Cash, Cheque or Instalment.

The College offers an instalment plan option, and this provides for fees to be paid by regular instalments over the year. To utilise this plan you are required to complete a School Fee Agreement form or contact the Fees Coordinator to discuss your payment arrangement to the College.

Compulsory Excursions such as camps and retreats etc. are non-refundable as the excursion has been planned and paid in advance on the basis of full attendance.

Fee support

In keeping with the College’s stated aim that no student will be excluded due to an inability of families to pay the set fees, a bursary scheme is in place to assist parents in adverse economic circumstances. Bursaries are awarded on a needs basis and upon application to the Principal, through the Fees Coordinator. Upon completion of the enrolment process, interview and acceptance into the College, application for fee support can occur.

Scholarships are available to senior students and these are awarded on all round excellence and a commitment to community service and social justice. Application dates are advertised in the local media.

The College provides for the following reductions in fees if parents enrol a child at St Mary’s College or Edmund Rice College:

  • Second child currently enrolled in either school: 20% reduction on tuition component
  • Subsequent siblings currently enrolled in either school: 25% reduction on tuition component

Leave of absence

If a student applies for leave of absence for holiday or travel, school fees are to be paid prior to approval of leave.

School Fees are spent on the provision of committed, professional staff, and the continual updating and provision of facilities, equipment and resources, therefore, prompt payments of fees is necessary for the College cash flow in order to meet College financial commitments.

Please be aware that it is not College Policy to carry fees forward to the following year.