Enrolment Policy
St Mary Star of the Sea College is a Catholic Secondary College for girls in the Good Samaritan tradition. As a Catholic College we are committed to establishing a community which is energised by the life and teachings of Christ.
St Mary’s aims to be a place where Gospel values are lived and where the Benedictine ideals of Love of God, Love of Learning, Hospitality, Stewardship and Peace are visible. The College enrolment policy is based on the Good Samaritan philosophy of education and responds to the needs of the children and parents in the Diocese of Wollongong.
St Mary Star of the Sea College welcomes enrolments of young women from families seeking a Catholic secondary education for them in Years 7-12. Priority is given to Catholic students but, depending upon the resource capacity of the College, we welcome other students who are seeking to be educated according to the ethos and the traditions of the College.
Enrolment implies that parents/caregivers give a firm undertaking that they will accept and support the Catholic foundations, values and practices of the College and the importance of regular opportunities to affirm these values and practices in religious education classes, Liturgies and College Masses. Retreats and Reflection Days are compulsory as they play a vital part in the spiritual development of the students.
Conditions of Enrolment
Enrolment at St Mary Star of the Sea College is based on the following priorities:
- Enrolment of siblings of children already attending the College is a priority which is dependent upon completion of the enrolment application form and successful interview. A sibling is defined as any enrolled student who is related by birth or by marriage to another enrolled student at the College in that they form part of the same immediate family. These siblings must be defined as the dependents of the same parent(s) or guardian(s). This includes biological siblings, step-brothers and half-brothers. The Principal retains sole discretion for determining the eligibility of a sibling.
- Priority is given to students who are Catholic
- Children of other Christian families may be enrolled after the other priorities for access have been considered
- Children of non-Christian families may also be enrolled in keeping with the above principles
- Consideration will be made for students who transfer from interstate or from overseas
- While enrolments are taken from local parish schools, Catholic parents should understand that acceptance of their children at the Catholic primary school level does not confer automatic enrolment at the College.
The Board delegates to the Principal the right to exercise discernment in the acceptance of individual students in the enrolment process.
Enrolment Policy(317.83 kb)