Good Samaritan Teaching and Learning Framework
A Good Samaritan school develops a quality curriculum through effective teaching and learning. This is achieved by valuing an academic environment at the forefront of modern educational development providing student centred lessons and an environment with resources with which to support, enhance and enliven teaching and learning.
A love of learning
- building upon students’ existing learning and experiences
- providing students with the opportunity to negotiate elements of the curriculum and make choices within their learning experiences
- building resilience in our students
- developing skills in higher order thinking and critical thinking
- exploring problem-solving strategies with others
- designing flexible learning experiences enabling all students to experience success
- communicating high expectations to all students and supporting them in meeting these expectations
Holistic education, integrated curriculum
- engaging students in authentic, rich assessment tasks
- exploring the global, local and personal dimensions of curriculum topics
Respect for individual differences so that “the strong have something to strive for and the weak nothing to run from” (Rule of Benedict 64:9)
- providing targeted programs for students with special needs and for gifted students
- providing a differentiated curriculum, meeting the needs of all types of learners
- providing students with the opportunities to explore new types of learning
- providing opportunities for students to listen, reflect and evaluate in order to develop a deeper understanding of what they are learning and why they are learning
The integration of life and faith & wise stewardship
- providing opportunities for students to look for God’s spirit in people, places and events and having the confidence to name God in what we see and do
- explicitly integrating Benedictine values in the development of teaching and learning programs.