Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. I am sure that you will find captured in these pages vibrance, diversity and opportunity that characterises all dimensions of life at the College. You will encounter, I am sure, the happy faces of our girls, striving to become the very best version of themselves, whatever their unique gifts and talents, in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment.
As a College of Good Samaritan Education, we are deeply committed to the traditions and values of our Catholic, Benedictine and Good Samaritan history that stretches back to 1873 in the Wollongong community. We are proud of our 150 year history of educating girls in the Good Samaritan and Benedictine tradition and we are committed to our future; a future focused on innovation, agility, creativity and optimism. We commit to partnership with our parents and carers to develop young women with a strong moral and ethical compass, confident to take their place in the world as leaders in a time of rapid social, economic, environmental, technological and cultural change unparalleled in our history.
St Mary Star of the Sea College is an outstanding school, offering rich and diverse opportunities in the pursuit of individual and academic excellence. Equally, we commit to providing opportunities for girls to develop their talents and explore their passions in the arts, music, culture and sport. We encourage our girls to have high expectations of themselves. We are proud to implement programs and pedagogies that develop inquiring minds and knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
We seek to develop in our girls the capacity and the skills to become inquisitive, creative and optimistic life-long learners capable of being discriminating users of technology in a world of rapid technological change and information abundance.
St Mary Star of the Sea is a happy place; a safe and nurturing place of opportunity, diversity and inclusion. Welcome to our website. Welcome to our College.
Mr Tony Fitzgerald